Trio from Belgium that has written a soundtrack for the silent movie „Berlin – Symphonie einer Großstadt“ by Walter Ruttmann.
Musically it’s instrumental post-rock in the vein of Explosions in the sky and EF and due to the piano with moments of classical music.
Double-LP, second pressing incl. download-code.
“We Stood Like Kings’ Berlin 1927 has the ability to transport you back in time and breathe new life into a symphonic, silent film that was compiled from clips of a period where the individuals that were a part of it were all-together unable to escape their environment. Life was that very moment; without the internet or modern day luxuries to elude it. Paying an earnest homage, this album is something profound and resounding. We Stood Like Kings is an act that we must sit back in awe, appreciate, and applaud for the efforts they’ve pieced together with this work.”
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