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preorder: girl scouts / loud? / secret plot / kilgore trout split 7″



this is a preorder. will be shipped around may 15th

This is a truly collaborative effort; offering you four songs from four great young bands, released between four record labels, split evenly between the states of Pennsylvania and Virginia.

GIRL SCOUTS (PA) starts off this split with a toe-tapping noodle opus. But what sets this band apart from the countless others in the genre is the true sense of earnest you get from their songs. RIYL: Old Gray, Cap’n Jazz, Brave Bird

LOUD? (VA) portrays a sound that harkens back to the simpler days of emo. There’s a clear tip-of-the-hat to flawless bands such as Pop Unknown, Mineral, and Sunny Day Real Estate.

SECRET PLOT TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE (PA) kicks off the B-side with a post-rock influenced track that meticulously meanders the fence between abrasively delicate, and beautifully heavy. RIYL: Russian Circles, Brand New, The Appleseed Cast

KILGORE TROUT (VA) finalize this split with an example of what screamo in the year 2013 should sound like. A pummeling statement of aggressive guitars and chaotic vocals, pointed by a rarely seen sense of intensity. RIYL: City of Caterpillar, Loma Prieta, Orchid

Additional Information

Weight ,09 kg


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