ghost bag – palindrome LP


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Flirting with dreams of redemption, fatalistic sentiments echo throughout. Jongen is able to catch a glimpse of the outside world, while the door remains locked. A cynic might say this record is a testament of personal alienation made under trade-wind tropical rainforest weather conditions. In his own words…

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On this self-recorded documentation of his travels, Jongen reflects on the past, present, and worries about his future. Summoning rippling clouds of guitar textures punctuated by intricate finger-picking figures set the backdrop to his ethereal vocals, while synths rumble like a volcano in the distance. Despite the option to use an in-house theatre space, this record was made almost entirely in the bedroom with just two mics and a small synthesizer brought from home, plus a worn out acoustic guitar purchased on site. Most days of his two-month stay were spent writing routinely, feeding monkeys from the kitchen window during breaks. On the song ​Lion​, a cellphone recording of Jongen lamenting on the beach at night plays in the background.

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Weight 0,27 kg

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