zona mexicana 10″


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I was checking out a distro, just browsing, I saw a release called “Zona Mexicana”, being Mexican I got stoked so I clicked on it expecting a Mexican band, to my surprise it wasn’t.

“It sounds almost as if City Of Caterpillar had invaded an Algernon Cadwallader recording and poured every bit of passion they had in their souls to the point that not even Hades would want them or something like that.” – Differentpeople.co.uk

After reading that small paragraph could I resist? The answer is no. (And you probably won’t either)

Full of twinkly/mathy guitars and some post-rock influenced screamo passages a la City of Caterpillar make this release extremely refreshing.

2nd song and 3rd are each a bit more spastic, closer to screamo again, really mathy. Being around 1 min each.

And longer again, without disappointing last track is a really awesome close track. Going with the same formula, but hey, at least I can’t get tired of this.

Additional Information

Weight 0,180 kg


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