mt. oriander – this Is not the way I wanted you to find out 7″


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‘This Is Not the Way I Wanted You to Find Out’ is the debut of the long awaited solo project from Empire! Empire! front man, Keith Latinen.

listen to the record:

The title is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact that the EP was written and recorded in a little over a month in preparation for the band’s first tour and will come out before the LP that was written and recorded over the past few years.

Latinen plays every note and sings every word. Somber vocals stretch over beautiful and sparse guitar work and introspective drums. If you liked his previous bands, or his current one, Parting- you’re going to love this. For fans of Death Cab for Cute, Jimmy Eat World, and Mineral.

Comes with instant download, art may vary from mock.

  1. It’s Always Been Wankershim
  2. If I Fail to Return, Cast It into the Bugross Sea
  3. Dream Ruby Glitch
  4. I’m Never Going to Say My Lines Faster than Jamie Taco
  5. Nothing after Nothing Came Bursting Out
Pressing Information

200 Black
300 Gray

Additional Information

Weight 0,08 kg